Membership Benefits
Bellevue Business Briefs – Qtrly Newsletter to keep Chamber Members, Bellevue Businesses & the Bellevue Community informed of Chamber News, Events, Bellevue Business, and more. This is inserted into the Bellevue Leader. Opportunity to promote your business by Advertising in the Brief.
Bellevue First – Full color glossy magazine. Our annual “Bellevue-Offutt” community visitor’s Guide. Includes a membership directory listing for your business. Includes valuable information for Current Bellevue citizens and a great tool for visitors or prospect business or someone considering a move to Bellevue.
Website Exposure – Members will have a listing on the Membership Directory with the opportunity to upgrade their listing. There are Opportunities to advertise on the website also.
Member Sponsorship – High visibility is offered to members who sponsor Chamber events. As an event sponsor, your name is displayed and promoted giving broad exposure at no additional cost above the sponsorship fee.
Advocate for business – The Chamber is the voice of business in local, county, state and federal issues that are relevant to the business community.
Business Referral Service – Each year thousands of referrals of Chamber business members are given to potential customers.
Bellevue-Offutt Welcome Bag – Participate in the Bellevue-Offutt Welcome Packet. Include a company flyer, coupon, or marketing product in the welcome bags distributed to the Bellevue-Offutt community newcomers. Each packet includes a “Bellevue First”, our official community magazine.
E-mail Blast – is a paid advertisement that is sent to Bellevue Chamber of Commerce members. Create and forward e-blast advertisement to the chamber. Campaign or political advertisements are not permitted. The Bellevue of Chamber Commerce reserves the right to deny advertisements. Limited to 2 per Week-first come first serve.
Chamber Logo – Display the Greater Bellevue Area Chamber of Commerce logo on your web site or use in print material to promote your community involvement. Simply contact the chamber office for a print or media version of our authorized logo.
Membership Decal – Proudly display our membership decal at your entry point to inform guests and colleagues your involvement in your community.
Chamber Showcase – Members can display their cards and promotional materials in the Chamber office – exposure to over 13,500 walk-ins yearly at no additional cost.
Membership Directory – 400+ Bellevue area chamber member businesses on ready to use labels or as a list. Both are available to members only; first set of labels are free any additional set is $20 per set and a printed list is free.
Personal Assistance – The Chamber is here to assist you and your business in any way possible.
Resource Center – The Chamber is the first point of contact for new and existing businesses, individuals who are relocating, and visitors who are looking for information on Bellevue. The Chamber receives 20,000 referral/informational phone calls per year.
Ambassador Program – Ambassadors are the goodwill and social arm of the Chamber. Ambassadors are the hospitality team promoting Bellevue Chamber businesses.
Focus on Success – Professional Development Series. Includes training workshops and seminars to enhance professional development.
Leadership Bellevue – is an opportunity to develop an understanding of how Bellevue works and to build a network which encompasses the many aspects of our community’s affairs.
Member Orientation – Learn about the many benefits, services, and ways to make the most of your membership investment—coming soon
Wake Up Wednesday – Monthly networking and relationship coffee building contacts. Held the 3rd Wednesday of each month.
Business After Hours – Networking after hours events are schedule thru the Chamber office
Ribbon Cuttings – Ceremonies include networking, increased visibility, and the opportunity to showcase your business to the business community.
Annual Banquet – Held every September, this event is attended by over 400 business leaders and features an induction of Directors and Officers, a silent auction, and door prizes.
Chamber Golf Outings – Three annual tournaments held in May and June involving more than 100 participants at each outing.
Small Business Awards – The recipients are outstanding representatives of the spirit of the entrepreneur and the power of small business. Luncheon held in April.
Veterans Day Parade – More than 10,000 people flood the streets of Olde Towne Bellevue to attend this traditional celebration in November hosted by the Bellevue Chamber and volunteers.
Avenue of Flags – Sponsor a flag along the streets of Bellevue from May to November. Special recognition at events and in the Bellevue Leader.
Military and Government Affairs
Legislative Reception – Connect with State Senators and State Officials regarding current legislative issues and opportunities for Bellevue.
55th Wing Update-Join the business community at this breakfast. Sponsorship opportunities are available.
State of USSTRATCOM – Join the business community at this Business @fter Hours hearing the “State of Stratcom.” Sponsorship opportunities are available.
Advocacy – The Bellevue Chamber of Commerce is your link to the city/county/state and federal government. Stay abreast to business and community issues that directly impact your business.
Runway Run – Located on Offutt Air Force Base. As part of the course runners will get to run down Offutt AFB runway lined with planes.
Operation Holiday Cheer – Bags are filled with goodies and taken to the Airmen who live in the dorms on base